Wednesday, December 19, 2007

2 little angels, and 1 sheperd

Every year the NTMA family puts on a Christmas program for the surrounding community. Everyone is invited ,and believe it or not, a lot of people look forward to the event and actually show up. I had the wonderful opportunity to sing in the Choir and be apart of a Missionary Pilot Wives Quartet ;) It was a lot of fun getting together with others who enjoy singing as much as I do . The kids were a part of the Cherub Choir and stole the show. I must share that I had my doubts that they would come through for the performance because the few practices we had were pretty sorry. They would sing their little songs with barely a whisper and pathetically ring their little bells. During the "dress rehearsal", Tov was so enamored with the microphones that he took off right in the middle of "Come on Ring Those Bells" to go look for a stool so he could be lip level with the microphone. So when it was time for the actual performance I didn't know what would happen. It was a relief to know that even if Tov picked his nose and Avery lifted her angel skirt up over her head in front of everyone, the audience would be be just as thrilled and delighted as if they sang perfectly in four part harmony. I thought the kids would just clam up and stand there but when they saw all the people they came alive and sang their little hearts out. I couldn't believe the difference. Avery timid one was like a shining star. You couldn't wipe the smile off her face and when it was all over she asked me if she could sing for everyone again. Miah sang the second verse of Away in a Manger as a solo. I am such a proud mama!

girls just wanna, they just wanna...

These are the girls I love to hang out with. From left to right - Candy, Bailey, Missy, Me, Kelly, Kari and Jonie. We are all Missionary Pilots wives (MPW's) that live, work and play together so we are very close. Our fabulous husbands kept the kids and sent us off on an overnight shopping adventure to Tuscon! My dear friends treated me to a delectable (belated)birthday dinner at the Olive Garden and then we stayed up late at a friends Condo knowing we didn't have to wake up early if we didn't want to. What a thrill! Of course we were all so excited about the day that we woke up early anyway, ready to brave the crowded mega malls with high hopes of finding perfect gifts for our loved ones at discounted prices. Oh but first... Starbucks...Here we are getting fueled up for the big day.

3, 4, 6!!

Birthday season has passed here in the Keller home. We've racked up a few more precious memories and have all had enough cake to last until...oh I don't know...a really long time. The kids are at the ages now that they really anticipate their special day and like to be involved in the preparations and planning. Gone are the days of the candle clad cupcake cake and the Sunday comic wrapped box of Kleenex (the perfect gift for a one year old) they have opinions and expectations that are hard to keep up with. Not only that...they keep track of what you did last year that they want repeated! When Miah opened her Birthday card from Nana this year and a five dollar bill fell out - she recounted that last year Nana sent her one dollar and she remembered that she bought two princess pens with it at WalMart, one for herself and one for Avery. Amazing! I have to be careful that I don't overdo it - who knows what kind of energy I'll have next year...

Monday, November 26, 2007

Play Dough Fun

My kids love playing with play dough. There is nothing like a big lump of fresh, homemade, non edible goodness - Even I can't keep from squishing, squeezing and rolling it into a snake. The kids have been at the ball/snake stage for some time...but now they have graduated to more sophisticated play dough molding skills. Miah is into nests (complete with eggs) and teas sets. Avery makes cinnamon rolls, cookies and the occasional snowman and Tov loves to roll and squish his play dough as flat as he can and cut shapes with his special play dough pocket knife. I especially love that this particular activity keeps them occupied for a least a good half hour, maybe more.
Here is a fabulous play dough recipe that stays soft and pliable for months and months. Depending on what Koolaid flavor you pick - it smells wonderful too.

2 1/2 C. Flour
1/2 C. Salt
1 Tbs. Cream of tarter
1-2 Pkg. Koolaid
3 Tbs. oil
2 C. Boiling water

Monday, November 12, 2007

Bunko Buddies Brave the Butte

I just found these pictures that my lovely friend Sarah put on a disk for me from this summer. Oh what wonderful memories came flooding back when I opened them up... Let me explain why this particular event from my past is so meaningful to me. First of all -these are a few of my dearest friends that I have shared many wonderful life moments with, (Sarah Coke, Jen Howell and Rachel Kroon). We all have very young children and because our lives are so "wrapped up"in our little people we can sometimes forget what life is like on the outside and what to do with ourselves without our little attachments. We often face a very real identity crisis...what DO I like to do for fun? what ARE my Hobbies? Who am I? So often when we are together we are in mommy mode, swapping potty training techniques and sharing the latest outrageous family drama. We all pour ourselves into our families and find so much joy in taking care of them, but on this particular day, it was so refreshing to just be friends, having fun, laughing, being crazy and enjoying one another. Instead of playing Bunko on the first Tuesday of the month, (which was our usual practice) we decided to hike the Butte, get some exercise and enjoy a beautiful Alaskan summer evening together. It was wonderful. I know it looks like we are all about to hawk loogies (I've never written that word before...not sure how :) in that last picture, but that is absolutely NOT what we were doing! We were, with extreme feminine delicacy, spitting cherry pits. It just so happened that this little amusement turned highly competitive and it wasn't long until all feminine delicacy went straight out the window! And so I must say that it was very very close, but I am to this day the reigning Cherry spitting champion! (Sorry Sarah - you know I had to say it!)

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Fall Festival Fun

This year the whole family dressed up for the NTMA fall festival. As you can see we went for a folk fairytale look and this was the first year I actually MADE costumes. I know it looks like Zach didn't dress up at all...and in actuallity he didn't...but I incorporated him into the theme as well. He is Zach and I am know...Zach and Jill went up a hill :) We had a good time. I was so pleased with how my little gingerbread man turned out. As soon as I slipped this little number over Tovie's head he was off..."can't catch me, I'm the Gingerman!" he would say. I though it was very fitting since it's hard to keep up with him anyway!! He attempted to bob for apples at the carnival but turned out to be a big cheater. He doesn't like his face in the water so as soon as his lips submersed...he grabbed the apple and stuck it in his mouth. Avery and Miah had a ball with the games and of course the candy - they were the cutest Goldie Locks and Red Riding Hood ever! It was a very memorable night.

Monday, October 22, 2007

nuggle me

There's a story behind this picture. I was working in the kitchen this morning, as I usually do most mornings, when Tov walked by clutching his "dinor" (dinosaur) blanket and sucking his thumb. I heard a muffled "I need to nuggle mommy," but before I could answer Avery volunteered for the job and Tov quickly made his way to the couch and to the loving arms of his sweet sister. A little while latter I noticed Miah sitting dejectedly on the living room chair. I asked her what was wrong and with a sniffle she replied, " I want to nuggle Tov too but Avery won't let me. She's HOGGING him!" I conviced Avery to share Tov with Miah and then had to take a quick picture to document this perfectly precious mini drama to share with you.

Molasses Crinkles

Zach is a dedicated die hard fan of chocolate chip cookies and because I am a dedicated die hard fan of Zach Keller, I try to make them for him as often as I can. I think if I ever quit making them, for whatever reason, Zach would think I didn't love Him anymore and that our marriage was in jeopardy. Making cookies for Zach is one way I tell him I love him, in a language I know he understands.

So it is fall and we have introduced a new cookie in the Keller household that, though it may never out rank the chocolate chip, it is definitely a close second especially this time of year. This cookie is Zach Keller approved and though it is never to replace the Chocolate Chip, it is worth passing on to you as a tried and true favorite. Enjoy!

Molasses Crinkles

3/4 C. Softened Butter
1 C. Brown Sugar
1 Egg
1/4 C. molasses
2 1/4 C. Flour
2 tsp. soda
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. ginger
1/2 tsp. cloves
1/4 t. salt

Mix everything together. Shape dough into walnut shaped balls and roll in sugar. Bake @ 350 for 10-12 minutes. Do not overcook. They are supposed to be a soft, chewy, melt in your mouth cookie.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

to my honey

I love you
I am so proud of you
There is no one else I would rather spend my days with and share my life with.
You are a treasure and a gift to me and our family. I love your heart and am so thankful that I have it. Where ever you go, whatever you do - I'm with you darlin'
(Big kiss, little hug, little hug, little kiss, big kiss, big hug, little hug)

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Sweet Feet

Oh how I love these little people. Only a mother finds such odd poses so irresistible. I've had a certain urgency in my picture taking of the kids lately. I feel like if I don't capture their little parts and pieces at every opportunity they are going to change and grow before my eyes and I will have missed my chance. Take Tov's little tootsies for example. They are still so soft and kissable but I'm sure at any moment they are going to start sprouting hairs and get all narly and stinky. It's only a matter of time. I'm sure every stage has its joys but I'm just not ready yet.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Bumma's Visit

Zach's mom came to visit us and stay with the kids while Zach and I traveled to Idaho for some special training. The kids loved having her here, of course, and Bumma spoiled them rotten with little gifts, outings, stories, more stories and treats. She did learn that giving them ice cream right before nap time isn't the best idea. It was so nice that she was able to meet some of our friends and experience for herself what life is like here in the desert. We love you Bumma!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

A little reminder that we are far, far from home

Our NTMA Family

Wow! God is so Good! We are so blessed to be working very closely with these wonderful families. They have become so dear to family really. The exciting thing is that many of us may end up living and working together over in the Philippines. It just keeps getting better and better. Sometimes I's to good to be true. How could we possibly end up in ministry with people we actually enjoy and like hanging out with!? But then I remember who it is behind everything that happens in my life. It's my God and loving Father who does abundantly more than I could ever ask or imagine. I'm gonna keep on dreaming.

What's a girl to do?

I'm back. It's been a while. I've been caught up in the whirlwind of Facebook, Skype...then there's our NTM website and THIS BLOG!! UUGH! So many perfectly wonderful options for communication and correspondence...I've learned that having too many options is definitely not a good thing, especially for me. I've also been feeling the need to write some good old fashioned letters with paper and pen. I miss jotting down thoughts on paper and would like to do it more often..all this to say, keeping up with my blog has been near the bottom of a very long list of Keller family communication priorities. I think I will keep it though. I like being able to post pictures and write about them. I have about a million pictures from this summer I want to share but of course that is impossible so I will TRY to pick a few favorites.

This is were we live now. Way down at the bottom of Arizona only 20 miles from the Mexican border. I thought it would be difficult moving from our beautiful Alaskan home to the flat desert plains but we were pleasantly surprised by the beauty of this place. The sunsets are gorgeous and since it is so flat you can see a storm coming from a long ways off. Amazing.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Favorite Faces

I took a bunch of pictures of the kids on Easter day. We went for a little walk in the woods all decked in their Easter garb. It was very picturesque with the flowering trees and the sun beaming through the still bare branches. I had some fun with the photo editing program on our computer, as you can see. I love these sweet faces. It's amazing how each picture gives a glimpse of their individual personalities. What joy to be able to watch them grow and develop those God given qualities that set them apart and display the handiwork of their loving creator. Amazing!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

It's Bloomin' Beautiful around here

I have a lot more flower pictures posted on our web page if you are interested. I try to take a walk everyday and some days I take my camera. I don't get much excersize on those days...

Ok - I know I come up with pretty cheesy titles but I couldn't resist. I'm just so excited that spring is here and everything is coming alive. I'm coming alive! Deep sigh. I wish my overall outlook on life wasn't so dependent on the weather, but something happens to me when I open the door in the morning and am met with a blast of warm, fresh, flower scented air, the sun shining on my face and the melodious sounds of birds praising their maker. It makes me want to join them in their songs and skip and twirl like a big dork all the way to my morning class. If it was a harsh, cold, gray day - I doubt I would have half the exuberance. I'm pretty sure that every day will feel like the first day of spring in heaven. Except way way better.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Spring Has Sprung In Missouri

What fun it has been for us Alaskans to experience a real spring with flowering trees, Tulips, Daffodils and cleansing spring rains with powerful lightning and thunderstorms. The kids have enjoyed all the creepy crawly things coming to life again and of course the mud, and lots of it. You know it is Spring when baths become more frequent and the water is a disturbing brown color when you pull everyone out. We have been so blessed lately with the arrival of a new playground that has been ideally situated right in our front yard. I'm not sure who loves it more - the kids or Zach and I! It seems all the little people within a hundred yards flock to this spot and play play play. Lots of screams of delight and the occasional wail after someone walks to close to the busy swings. My little social butterflies have been enjoying all the action so much that they collapse in bed every night, exhausted. I have enjoyed sitting off to the side, soaking up the sun, while I work out our latest grammar homework problem. I pride myself on being a good multitasker. Do the homework, entertain the children, get a tan, shoot the breeze, talk potty training strategies with other moms... the story of my life these days. But I love it and will always look back on our life here at the MTC with very warm thoughts and memories.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

24 it up

To those of you who don't know what 24 is and have never met Jack Bower I am sorry. We were introduced last fall by our friends Brian and Bailey Pruett. I shouldn't name names but I'm going to anyway. For the record, I am holding them responsible for getting us as well as the Davises (pictured in the very front) hooked on this ridiculous, action packed saga of government conspiracy and terrorist threats. Every Friday night we get together to see just how Jack Bower is going to save the country again! It has been a great way to unwind with friends after a busy week being students.

Ok - So February is long gone

But I have to post this picture of my sweet babies. We like to play up Valentines day around here (well at least I do) so I had to set the kids up for a Valentines photo to send out to beloved family and friends. It only took a small bribe, a lollypop, to get them to cooperate. Tov just happened to make the perfect "what have I done to deserve this?" face. If you are thinking I am a cruel mother, think again. He got his lollypop too and quickly forgot the whole ordeal.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

We returned to Missouri just in time for a ice storm that shut down life as we know it here. Classes were canceled for a week. Electricity went out for 24 hours and then continued to flicker, keeping us in suspense. The week ended up being a blessing in disguise. It was so nice to have a whole week to get caught up on all those things I never have time for and having an excuse to go absolutely nowhere! The ice crusted trees were beautiful when the sun came out.

Over the river and through the woods...

To Bumma's house we go...
We survived the horrendous trip home, (3 hour drive, 3 flights, 2, 3 hour layovers) to Alaska and to our loving wonderful family and friends that made the trip so well worth it. We had a fabulous time and since we were home for a nice long chunk of time (Dec. 17 - Jan 12) we were able to do a lot of "catch up." The girls look forward to the annual sugar plum tea party at Bumma's house all year. This year they had custom made gowns and their own personal nutcracker to dance with while watching the Nutcracker in Bumma's living room. Here they are waiting for the right moment , and then...oh , the twirling!!! Lot's and lots of twirling. There were many highlights from this wonderful trip home, far to many to name....but all a treasured memories.

It's been a while...

So...we thought we were going to experience a snow free winter. After the gorgeous Missouri fall with temperatures reaching mid eighties even in November, I didn't think it would be unreasonable to expect a very mild winter here. Not so, not so! It seems that wherever we go - snow follows! Especially when I am unprepared for it - (I'm sensing a theme here). I have so many hats/gloves/boots neatly stored in tubs at home (AK) so can you believe this cold weather guru mommy had to put socks over her poor children's hands and then scrounge the stores for a decent hat! (Super Walmart is no REI!) We persevered and managed to enjoy ourselves as you can see from the picture. We got a good six-eight inches overnight and the campus was a buzz with snow deprived jungle people throwing themselves down hills on cookie sheets and scrape metal. We Alaskans prefer to use a proper sled.