I'm back. It's been a while. I've been caught up in the whirlwind of Facebook, Skype...then there's our NTM website and THIS BLOG!! UUGH! So many perfectly wonderful options for communication and correspondence...I've learned that having too many options is definitely not a good thing, especially for me. I've also been feeling the need to write some good old fashioned letters with paper and pen. I miss jotting down thoughts on paper and would like to do it more often..all this to say, keeping up with my blog has been near the bottom of a very long list of Keller family communication priorities. I think I will keep it though. I like being able to post pictures and write about them. I have about a million pictures from this summer I want to share but of course that is impossible so I will TRY to pick a few favorites.

This is were we live now. Way down at the bottom of Arizona only 20 miles from the Mexican border. I thought it would be difficult moving from our beautiful Alaskan home to the flat desert plains but we were pleasantly surprised by the beauty of this place. The sunsets are gorgeous and since it is so flat you can see a storm coming from a long ways off. Amazing.
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