Friday, March 30, 2007

Spring Has Sprung In Missouri

What fun it has been for us Alaskans to experience a real spring with flowering trees, Tulips, Daffodils and cleansing spring rains with powerful lightning and thunderstorms. The kids have enjoyed all the creepy crawly things coming to life again and of course the mud, and lots of it. You know it is Spring when baths become more frequent and the water is a disturbing brown color when you pull everyone out. We have been so blessed lately with the arrival of a new playground that has been ideally situated right in our front yard. I'm not sure who loves it more - the kids or Zach and I! It seems all the little people within a hundred yards flock to this spot and play play play. Lots of screams of delight and the occasional wail after someone walks to close to the busy swings. My little social butterflies have been enjoying all the action so much that they collapse in bed every night, exhausted. I have enjoyed sitting off to the side, soaking up the sun, while I work out our latest grammar homework problem. I pride myself on being a good multitasker. Do the homework, entertain the children, get a tan, shoot the breeze, talk potty training strategies with other moms... the story of my life these days. But I love it and will always look back on our life here at the MTC with very warm thoughts and memories.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

24 it up

To those of you who don't know what 24 is and have never met Jack Bower I am sorry. We were introduced last fall by our friends Brian and Bailey Pruett. I shouldn't name names but I'm going to anyway. For the record, I am holding them responsible for getting us as well as the Davises (pictured in the very front) hooked on this ridiculous, action packed saga of government conspiracy and terrorist threats. Every Friday night we get together to see just how Jack Bower is going to save the country again! It has been a great way to unwind with friends after a busy week being students.

Ok - So February is long gone

But I have to post this picture of my sweet babies. We like to play up Valentines day around here (well at least I do) so I had to set the kids up for a Valentines photo to send out to beloved family and friends. It only took a small bribe, a lollypop, to get them to cooperate. Tov just happened to make the perfect "what have I done to deserve this?" face. If you are thinking I am a cruel mother, think again. He got his lollypop too and quickly forgot the whole ordeal.