Wednesday, December 19, 2007

3, 4, 6!!

Birthday season has passed here in the Keller home. We've racked up a few more precious memories and have all had enough cake to last until...oh I don't know...a really long time. The kids are at the ages now that they really anticipate their special day and like to be involved in the preparations and planning. Gone are the days of the candle clad cupcake cake and the Sunday comic wrapped box of Kleenex (the perfect gift for a one year old) they have opinions and expectations that are hard to keep up with. Not only that...they keep track of what you did last year that they want repeated! When Miah opened her Birthday card from Nana this year and a five dollar bill fell out - she recounted that last year Nana sent her one dollar and she remembered that she bought two princess pens with it at WalMart, one for herself and one for Avery. Amazing! I have to be careful that I don't overdo it - who knows what kind of energy I'll have next year...


Sarah said...

The picture of Miah's bday is amazing. Jane, I'm telling've got skills. You should enter that in the Alaksa State Fair next year!

Anonymous said...

I'm just catching up on all your posts. Excellent work on that cake! Wow!

Birthdays are a lot of fun, and with your mad momming skillz I'm sure they are the best around the Keller house!