Wednesday, December 19, 2007

2 little angels, and 1 sheperd

Every year the NTMA family puts on a Christmas program for the surrounding community. Everyone is invited ,and believe it or not, a lot of people look forward to the event and actually show up. I had the wonderful opportunity to sing in the Choir and be apart of a Missionary Pilot Wives Quartet ;) It was a lot of fun getting together with others who enjoy singing as much as I do . The kids were a part of the Cherub Choir and stole the show. I must share that I had my doubts that they would come through for the performance because the few practices we had were pretty sorry. They would sing their little songs with barely a whisper and pathetically ring their little bells. During the "dress rehearsal", Tov was so enamored with the microphones that he took off right in the middle of "Come on Ring Those Bells" to go look for a stool so he could be lip level with the microphone. So when it was time for the actual performance I didn't know what would happen. It was a relief to know that even if Tov picked his nose and Avery lifted her angel skirt up over her head in front of everyone, the audience would be be just as thrilled and delighted as if they sang perfectly in four part harmony. I thought the kids would just clam up and stand there but when they saw all the people they came alive and sang their little hearts out. I couldn't believe the difference. Avery timid one was like a shining star. You couldn't wipe the smile off her face and when it was all over she asked me if she could sing for everyone again. Miah sang the second verse of Away in a Manger as a solo. I am such a proud mama!


Sarah said...

SOOOO cute! I remember being in countless church Christmas plays, and I'm so bummed that my kids can't experience that in our gi-nor-mous church!

mamaktbug said...

i cannot wait for these kinds of memories...too much fun!

Bacon Writer said...

Hi Jane!! Adorable pictures! I'm sitting home on this Sunday morning with Morgan who has the stomach flu! Today was her one chance to be in a nativity up front with the 3 year old class!! :( Your kiddos are so adorable...

Oh, and Pam S. said she tried going to my blog from yours and it was something bizzare! I tried and it isn't ours!!! hee hee ours is
too funny... Amanda

Anonymous said...

I can't think of any Christmas program I would have rather seen. The pictures are great Jane. So precious.

It makes me think of the herdsmen kids in the greatest christmas pageant ever. What a great book.