Friday, January 04, 2008

To Grandmas house we go

My dear sweet Grandma recently moved to Palm Springs. She was living in Phoenix but as soon as we moved to AZ she left for CA. She assures me that we had nothing to do with the move (yeah right). She moved to Palm Springs to be near my Aunt Sandy. They are best friends and it is so much fun to see the two of them in action. My Grandma is 86 and so full of life, her mind is sharp and her smile so bright. It has been such a joy to be able to spend time with her while we are in this part of the world. I think I have spent one Christmas with my Grandma in all my thirty years so this year it was so wonderful to spend Christmas with her & my Aunt Sandy. My sister Katy flew down from Idaho to join us too - what a treat! They are such delightful people and I am happy that my kids get to know them. They loved having kids around and Aunt Sandy assured me that the chaos they created was a welcome change. It was our first Christmas away from the familiarities of our Alaska families and friends, but being with Grandma, Auntie Sandy and Katy was a worth it all. It was pretty weird sitting by the pool on Christmas day but I have to say I got used to it pretty quick.


April said...

Jane - thank you for the pictures! :) Love you, April

Anonymous said...

Katy was there!? How fun! I am a little jealous of the closeness of the Keller and Miller families. Cherish it Jane. What you have is rare. Blessings on you cousin.