On a pleasant day in November I walked to our little storage unit to retrieve some Christmas stuff. I opened the door and flipped on the light... I noticed a dark shadow on the wall next to the door jam - about shin level. This (pictured) not-so-little, creepy crawly was right by my naked shin! (I was wearing capris.) I have become acquainted with Tarantulas, Scorpions and even some pretty knarly looking centipedes since moving to the desert but this was a first time meeting with one of these bad boys. I was pretty proud of myself - I handled his presence very calmly while I rummaged for my wrapping and bows (although I never let him out of my sight). Now that we have meet, I am surprised at the attitude I've developed, a kind of "been -there- done -that" attitude. I think God is easing me into this idea of living in and amongst large, poisonous insects. Don't get me wrong...the thought has terrified me so some time now. Give me a bear or a moose any day...at least you can see them coming and they can't very well crawl into bed with you without you knowing. And if you know me at all, you know I have a very over active imagination. So, over the last few years, Missouri and now here, my Gracious Father has been introducing me to bugs, one by one, starting with the friendly, but long legged stick bug and unusually hairy wolf spider. Now we are on to the bigger and badder ones and I'm doing great. By the time we get to the Philippines I should be able to handle whatever comes my way no sweat (as long as I have a hefty broom with a long handle.) Zach will always be the designated squasher - I don't think I will EVER be able to stomach the crunch...yuck.
I realize a few of you (I'm not naming names) may not know that this is a Black Widow Spider. This particular one was unusually large, lucky me, and this is an actual photo taken on our personal camera.
This makes me laugh because it makes me think of Sarah! (Although I don't know if she ever got used to the spiders and such while we were down in NC.) Hope you all are doing well! We miss you guys!
Oh, and tell Zach to check his email. I sent him one and am hoping to talk more with him about it soon.
It's so awesome to see God meeting you in the little things. It was good to chat dear cousin.
Jane - this isn't very encouraging!!!! What is it? Besides, a big, black spider, with a red spot (somehow that just makes it seem worse). I love the picture of the dollhouse - it is just what I pictured. God is so very gracious! April
Jane, I'm so proud of you!! And here I am in Hawaii with some equally yucky, (although not poisonous) aracnids. The other day, I swung on a rope off a cliff into the water and on my way up the long ladder straight up back to the top, I was greeted by one hanging on a web right by my hand. I also remained calm, not because I was in danger of being bitten, but because a fall would have meant a trip to the er and maybe also brain damage...
Love and miss you five!
Can I get an EEEEWWWWWW! I thought you got that pic from the internet!!! You are very brave Jane, very brave.
sweet spider!
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