Wednesday, April 04, 2007

It's Bloomin' Beautiful around here

I have a lot more flower pictures posted on our web page if you are interested. I try to take a walk everyday and some days I take my camera. I don't get much excersize on those days...

Ok - I know I come up with pretty cheesy titles but I couldn't resist. I'm just so excited that spring is here and everything is coming alive. I'm coming alive! Deep sigh. I wish my overall outlook on life wasn't so dependent on the weather, but something happens to me when I open the door in the morning and am met with a blast of warm, fresh, flower scented air, the sun shining on my face and the melodious sounds of birds praising their maker. It makes me want to join them in their songs and skip and twirl like a big dork all the way to my morning class. If it was a harsh, cold, gray day - I doubt I would have half the exuberance. I'm pretty sure that every day will feel like the first day of spring in heaven. Except way way better.


Anonymous said...

I love tulips. They are my favorite. Thanks for this most amazing pic. Cousin, you are a gem among gems. Thanks for your post. It's so fun to know that this whole blogging thing is keeping us somewhat connected across the many miles. You are correct about our friendship. It will stand the test of time and distance. You never know, maybe Aaron and I will dare to visit you wherever you might be sent! How great would that be? You are loved and missed. :) Cousin Sal

Anonymous said...

p.s. you should put a link to your website on your blog!