I just found these pictures that my lovely friend Sarah put on a disk for me from this summer. Oh what wonderful memories came flooding back when I opened them up... Let me explain why this particular event from my past is so meaningful to me. First of all -these are a few of my dearest friends that I have shared many wonderful life moments with, (Sarah Coke, Jen Howell and Rachel Kroon). We all have very young children and because our lives are so "wrapped up"in our little people we can sometimes forget what life is like on the outside and what to do with ourselves without our little attachments. We often face a very real identity crisis...what DO I like to do for fun? what ARE my Hobbies? Who am I? So often when we are together we are in mommy mode, swapping potty training techniques and sharing the latest outrageous family drama. We all pour ourselves into our families and find so much joy in taking care of them, but on this particular day, it was so refreshing to just be friends, having fun, laughing, being crazy and enjoying one another. Instead of playing Bunko on the first Tuesday of the month, (which was our usual practice) we decided to hike the Butte, get some exercise and enjoy a beautiful Alaskan summer evening together. It was wonderful. I know it looks like we are all about to hawk loogies (I've never written that word before...not sure how :) in that last picture, but that is absolutely NOT what we were doing! We were, with extreme feminine delicacy, spitting cherry pits. It just so happened that this little amusement turned highly competitive and it wasn't long until all feminine delicacy went straight out the window! And so I must say that it was very very close, but I am to this day the reigning Cherry spitting champion! (Sorry Sarah - you know I had to say it!)
I love it when moms get to do stuff like this!
Cherry spitting!?? There was never a doubt in my mind that you were going to win.
Bring your yella self home and defend your title!
Well, I guess I'll have to leave you a note on YOUR BIRTHDAY!!! I tried to call, but got your message. The boys HAD to sing the "you smell like a monkey" version of Happy Birthday. ;-) I'll try you again tomorrow.
Love ya
I LOVE the pics!! Thanks for the great reminder to not forget about those things that I like to do, that don't have anything to do with the children! (what were those things again??) :D I've got to see the cherry pit rematch between you and Sarah, I'll bring the camera!!
Jane, I just wanted you to know that Ash and I really admire you and Zach... we're enjoying watching God spread His fame through you all... please know we're praying for your little family. And I love your blog...
Sarah Brown
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