Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Welcome to the Blogging World

Look out world... here comes the Kellers!


Anita said...

Woohoo! Glad you've joined the blogging world! I LOVED hearing Carrie's update on you guys. Sounds like God is richly blessing your time there already! He IS faithful. Keep us posted on your journey!


Unknown said...

Hey Zach & Jane!

SO great to hear an update on your sweet family. It is super refreshing to hear how God is blessing you with friendships and preparing you for HIS great adventure of ministry. We have family in those parts of MO! Get those girlfriends on the bunko train Jane! Big Hugs, Jen

Marie VW said...

Yee Haw...

Now, I hope you don't wait for Carrie's next trip to visit to update. hee hee.

I'm pretty excited to be able to keep up with you this way!