Wednesday, October 25, 2006

A little taste

Hi all! Thanks to our dear friend Carrie, the Keller Tribe is venturing into the world of Blog. I have to say, I am not very adventurous when it comes to the world of computor tech. I'm not sure if I'll ever fit in, but I guess it's worth a try. Anything that helps connect me to my dear people out there...
It is a rainy day today - very cozy. I have candles lit and soft music playing - it is very peaceful especailly since my dear little people are napping. Yesterday was glorious - the perfect Autum day with vibrant colors, crisp breeze, and sunshine beaming down through the branches overhead. My favorite past time these days is taking walks by myself around the NTM campus. There are trails everywhere that wind through the woods around the lake - it's beautiful. I've always hoped to experience a colorful fall like this. I can't wait to see what else God has in store for us. He has blessed us so much since moving here. We are learning so much and being encouraged in the Lord every day. As usual He has exceeded all my expectations. I always wanted to go to Bible school and always regretted that I didn't take the opportunity after High School - but here we are! We have studied, Cross-cultural communication, Animism, Teamwork, Foundational Biblical Teaching, Hermenutics, Christian Life...My brian would actually hurt after that one - so much to think about. I feel like I am soaking it all up and still can't get enough. It's fun going to school again and taking classes with Zach, although I think he has made it his personal mission to keep me on task. I am a die hard procrastinator and having three demanding little rugrats around doesn't help me any either. I'm getting things done and doing well. The kids are having a blast. It is seriously like living at family camp - we have a little christian utopia of sorts going on here. There are kids running about everywhere. When I have the opportunity, I like to take the kids "park hopping." We mix, we mingle, we make our appearance and then move on to the next. Here I thought the kids would be lacking for attention without their family close by, but that is not the case. We do miss everyone and can't wait to go home at Christmas. Alaska and WBC will always be home to us no matter where God takes us. I hope to post as often as I can - and keep pictures up to date. We shall see....


carrie said...

Hurrah! I loved your first post. Way to go, friend! I am so glad that I was able to visit your new world. Thanks for letting me be a part of it for a few days. Hug the kids for me and tell Zach hi.

Anita said...

Yay Jane! I'm glad you're keeping up with the blog. I love hearing about the things you are learning and experiencing. Your kiddos are too cute! We miss you in AK! Snow and icey roads are hear now and fall is a season of the past for us. Enjoy yours, it looks beautiful!
