Thursday, March 20, 2008

First stop - The Tucson Desert Museum

We set off from NTMA in McNeal early Saturday morning and by 10 am we arrived at the Tucson Desert Museum.  It was recommended by many as a highly interactive, zoo -like place with extras like dusting for dinosaur bones and caving and my personal favorite...the hummingbird atrium.  What a thrill to have these tiny little creatures buzzing by your head so close you can feel their wind.  April captured this beautiful picture of a humming bird on her teeny tiny nest.  It is literally the size of a quarter in circumference - a little too small for the bird as you can see :)  What a wonderful first day.

Road trip Anyone?

April and I had planned and scemed for what seemed like months and the day finally came...the day of our big adventure.  The single mom and the missionary wife set off with five kids, limited monetary resources and dreams of making memories that would last a lifetime.  The whole experience and opportunity was a gift straight from Father and He proved His love and faithfulness every mile of the way.  It could have been an absolute flat tire, one sick puking child and all would be lost.  Even before we walked out the door we knew who went before us...He made it so obvious, and  so wonderful....for that I am so thankful.  It was more than we hoped for.

the cousins come to visit